Getting a good education is important to not only get the career you desire, but to move forward in life and achieve success.
Education develops confidence and helps in the formation of a person’s personality. What we learn, through both good and bad education, determines the kind of people we will be in the future and the type of opportunities available to us.
The fact is, education plays a huge role in everyone’s life and in terms of income, higher education is also becoming a more important factor than ever. A simple equation is “more education = more income.â€
Studies have shown that a higher education will not only improve our ability to find the right career and do a great job, it will also improve our income. It’s long been shown that the people who earn graduate and postgraduate degrees see higher incomes over the course of their careers. There is a strong relation between higher education and earnings, generally higher education leads to higher income.
Each year, there are tens of thousands of new students that begin their professional journey in the hopes of landing a high-paying job in their field in the future. It has long been understood that an education can lead to higher overall earnings over the life of a career and long-term financial success. Apart from higher education, the field in which you study is another factor that comes into play.
Specialized education is equally important in terms of income. In certain industries, the amount of specialized education is directly proportional to the amount of income that a professional can make. We all know that an entry-level engineer will not get as much as money as a specialized engineer earn. With higher education, one can look for specialized education that will be beneficial for your long-term career goal.
Take a minute to review of below infographic to know more about how education is related to income.
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James Logan is the Managing Director at Go4prep. He is a research consultant for the last 5 years. He lives in Bengaluru and an affiliate Professor of Information technology at the BBS College.