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Make a Hassle-Free Career Change with the Use of Technology

Today many companies are embracing the online hiring process. They’re discovering that this is an effective way of cutting down on the time it takes to hire a new employee.

In fact, the entire job application process is now going online – from the hunting to the hiring process itself. This is because it’s much more efficient, saving the candidate and the business time and money. As such, anyone who wants to work in today’s business world needs to know how to truly embrace this process and make use of technology when looking for a new job.

Finding your dream job

Before you can “worry” about landing your dream job, you must know how to find it. Today, this process is much more about campaigning for a job than it ever was in the past. This is because technology has made it possible for anyone to do so. Whether you want to work for a tech giant like Google or as a freelancer trying to land a few new clients, you have to know how to do this in today’s technology driven world.

When you’re ready to turn yourself into the next hot commodity, you must think outside the box and show your potential employer just how creative you can be. This starts from the beginning with the job search itself. Instead of heading to your local newspaper or a job forum like, try:

  • Searching Google for jobs, retraining opportunities and how to get hired by specific companies will really open up your eyes. You’ll find in-depth information about education, wages and opportunities. You’re not alone in conducting these searches either. According to resume help, this is what about one-third of all job seekers are doing today.
  • Getting out there and networking is important. This was also true in the past but today something as seemingly small as a LinkedIn introduction will set you apart from your competition. Of course, this is just one of the many ways in which you should use social media to your advantage. Although 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn today, you can’t overlook the other social media sites. Some of the other things Forbes suggests doing on these sites to help your job search include interacting with your favourite brands, contacting people you admire, blogging about your passions, optimizing your profile, posting that you’re looking for a new job,= and working to increase your network.
  • Making cold calls to businesses you believe you’re an ideal candidate for but who don’t have a position posted online never hurts. While it’s a good idea to try to get an introduction from your network, you can also use their publicly available information to reach out to them. This is simply an opportunity to introduce yourself and give them your resume for future consideration. However, you never know when a business will make an “opportunity hire” when they meet someone they like, know they have a need, but aren’t quite ready to post a job position.

Applying for your dream job

Before contacting a potential employer, AARP suggests that you do your homework. This doesn’t have to be time-consuming since you can set up a Google alert to send you an email when new information is discovered about companies you’re interested in working for. You can also do the same thing by searching for the companies on Glassdoor and O*NET and following them on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

As you look at each company, some of the things you’ll want to take note of include:

  • What issues are facing the business and the industry it’s a part of?
  • How much does the job you’re seeking pay in the area where you’re living?
  • What do social media sites, especially LinkedIn, say about the company?

Additionally, when you want to work in the nonprofit sector you should check out their latest online tax filing – their Form 990 specifically. This will give you more information about their executives and other key employees.

Now you’re ready to send out your CV, but you don’t want to simply toss anything in the mail. Hays suggests you keep a few tips in mind as you create your CV today, including:

  • Use a professional email address. Businesses ignore about 76% of CVs because they fail to do so.
  • Consider creating a video version of your CV. While these are just now growing in popularity, they do offer prospective employers greater insight into who you are. When creating yours, make sure you use a clear backdrop, dress smart and rehearse before making the final CV draft. Use this opportunity to show off your skills and talents but don’t overdo it here.
  • When using a PDF for your résumé, make sure that you can download it on a mobile device. You never know where an employer is while looking at your CV.
  • Triple check your CV for any formatting issues. You want to clearly and professionally convey your information in 5-7 seconds.

Nailing the video interview

Unlike in the past when all interviews were hosted at the business itself, now employers want to schedule a video interview with their potential candidates. The popularity of these online video interviews has grown just within the last couple of years. In fact, The Huffington Post says 6 out of 10 companies want to meet with candidates via webcam instead of face-to-face today. This is because video interviews take less time so companies can hire new employees faster.

Another great advantage of mobile interviews is you can do them wherever you are. Sometimes it’s even as simple as filming yourself replying to a list of questions then sending it to the interviewer. Businesses will typically then invite the best candidates back for a web conferencing and possibly even an in-person interview.

Today’s job market is a war for talent. You can’t afford to let your competitors who know how to leverage technology to their benefit wind up with the job you know you’re a perfect match for. You need to learn how to leverage these tools and embrace new ways of finding, and landing, your dream job today.

Thinking of hiring a career coach to help you ace your interview and land your dream job? Learn more about career coaching, browse our directory of career coaches and get a FREE consultation or request a personalized coach recommendation!

About the Author Peter Davidson

Being a senior business associate, I strive to help different brands and startups to make efficient business decisions and plan effective business strategies. With years of rich domain expertise, I love to share my views on the latest technologies and applications through well researched content pieces. Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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