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10 Books Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Books written by the world’s best and brightest offer readers the chance to absorb their knowledge, learn from other businesses, broaden their views, and challenge ideas. It’s not surprising then, that some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs are avid readers.

Coming across a book which you find motivating, inspiring and insightful can shape your decision-making and help you grow both as a person and a leader. Here are 10 books every entrepreneur should add to their reading list:

1. “Managing the Mental Game” by Jeff Boss

In his book, “Managing the Mental Game,” former Navy SEAL Jeff Boss walks the reader through different mental-training methodologies to help build confidence, mental endurance, and instil positive habits.

His measured, logical approach can help you deal with stress and uncertainty, avoid common mental traps and manage pressure and chaos. Being confident, clear-headed and calm could help you through daily work challenges and propel you to success.

2. “Grit” by Angela Duckworth

Grit“ is a great read for anyone striving to succeed. Angela Duckworth, renowned psychologist and bestselling author, explores the idea that the secret to outstanding achievement doesn’t come down to natural talent or intelligence, but rather a unique combination of passion and persistence.

Drawing on personal stories, as well as case studies, she argues that long-term perseverance is a key factor in becoming exceptional.

3. “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek

In “Start With Why,” Simon Sinek discusses the idea that people don’t truly buy into a product, service or idea until they understand the WHY behind it. He compares some of the world’s most influential leaders and explores why some people and organizations are more innovative, influential and profitable than others.

4. “The dip” by Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a popular blogger and bestselling author. In “the dip“ he brings forward the idea that “winners are good quitters,” meaning that successful people know the difference between a dip, which can be pushed through, and a dead-end, which isn’t worthy of their time and efforts.

It’s a fun book which offers a different perspective on winning and quitting and is well worth the read.

5. “All In” by Bill Green

Anyone eager to absorb the knowledge of a successful businessman with 40 years experience across multiple markets should add “All In“ to their reading list. Bill Green offers his own achievements (and failures) to deliver practical tools to help entrepreneurs launch their “big idea” or improve their existing business.

6. “Getting Things Done” by David Allen

Getting Things Done” is easily one of the most influential business books of its time. This revised, updated version includes new material with fresh perspectives. David Allen offers tools and strategies on how to best focus your energy, manage workflows, know when to delegate and get through tasks quickly.

Entrepreneurs looking for advice on the best way to attain maximum efficiency, look no further.

7. “Top of Mind” by John Hall

Top of Mind” offers advice from the CEO of “Influence & Co,” one of the leading companies in content marketing. John Hall provides strategies and habits that focus on engaging your audience, creating meaningful, content-driven relationships and delivering consistent value.

It’s an insightful step-by-step guide on using content to keep your brand “top of mind.”

8. “The Go-Giver Leader” by Bob Burg and John David Mann

There are many books about leadership, but this engaging story provides great insight into what it means to lead in and out of the workplace. “The Go-Giver Leader” provides a powerful message about leadership involving your team, customers, community and legacy, and is a must-read for anyone wishing to provide better leadership in business, as well as in life.

9. “Great by Choice” by Jim Collins & Morten Hansen

Great by Choice” combines research on companies that thrive in uncertainty and chaos with anecdotes, useful examples and lessons for success.

Collins and Hansen use rigorous analysis and engaging stories to discuss the principles of building a great enterprise in times which are fast-moving and unpredictable. It’s a great resource for tips on decision-making in extreme environments.

10. “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown

Essentialism“ isn’t about getting more done in less time, but decluttering and organizing your life to get the right things done. McKeown offers a new way of doing things and can help managers, leaders, business owners or any individual wanting to prioritize their work or personal life to focus on the things that matter.

A must-read that will challenge your decision-making process and simplify your life.

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About the Author Callum Mundine

Callum is the head of marketing at Warble Media. They are a boutique website design and seo agency based in Dubbo, NSW, Australia. If you have any questions about marketing, feel free to contact him on

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