We all spend the majority of our waking life at work, so it is important to do what you love and love what you do and to be working for a company that is inherently good in their intentions.
Some of us may need to leave our current job, as nothing about the culture feels right. The hours may be too long, allowing you no personal life or it could be that the management philosophies and style may not be ideal, making it a hostile or negative work environment. You can’t change the core of the company but you do have control on how you respond to it until you can make a career transition. While you are seeking other work, it is important to focus on what you do like in your current environment and make the most of it until you find another job.
I have found that the majority of us are working in companies that mean well and care about their team. When you are in an environment like this, it is much easier to get to a place where you are able to find and experience fulfillment on the job. And even if you are in a job that is not your ideal dream job, you can still find meaning and create happiness on the job.
Bottom line, it is a choice. You can choose to engage, participate and make your work life more meaningful and fulfilling or you can choose to just make it a place you have to go to each day. The quality of your days and time at work will differ greatly depending on how you choose to approach it!
Marla Williams is an intuitive life, career and business coach who has experienced tremendous success guiding individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs through a groundbreaking process to discover their purpose and capitalize on their distinctive gifts so they can begin to forge their own unique path in this world. She has a BA in Organizational Development, is a certified life coach, certified project manager and an experienced and certified professional in human resources (PHR) and was a key leader instrumental in helping grow a $12-million-dollar company into a $2.3-billion-dollar company. Connect with Marla through Noomii and her website.