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All posts by Makeda Waterman

About Makeda Waterman

Makeda Waterman is a professional writer with an Education in Journalism, Mass Communications, and Public Relations. She writes for Huffington Post Canada and Glassdoor on career advice with the goal of helping people improve the quality of their lives.

Articles by this Author

The Ultimate Career Coach Job Search Strategy

You feel stuck at work. Colleagues at your company are moving on to newer, better roles while you sit stagnant. Or, maybe you are feeling undervalued at work or have a lack of autonomy and just wish that your role meant more. You are not alone. According to a Gallup survey, only 15% of employees […]

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How to Relieve Stress for a Productive Day at Work

Do you feel drained? You’re not alone. In today’s busy world, juggling your work and responsibilities at home can have an impact on your health. Working all day then going home to  household chores, grocery shopping, making dinner and trying to cram in quality time with your kids or social time with friends can leave us all […]

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Why Pursuing Jobs Based on Your Personality is the Key to Career Success

Why Pursuing Jobs Based on Your Personality is the Key to Career Success

Working a job that demands more than you are willing or able to give is common for a lot of people in the workforce. It can be because you have reached a point of stagnation in your current role and are no longer feeling challenged or perhaps you just weren’t that interested in the job in […]

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5 Ways to Successfully Balance School and Work

5 Ways to Successfully Balance School and Work

I remember how hectic life was while attending college and working a part-time job. It was even more stressful in my adult life, as I juggled attending night classes in university while managing my full-time profession to improve my professional skills. There were a few times of my life that I had to sacrifice a social […]

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The Top 5 Cities Freelancers Need to Consider

The Top 5 Cities Freelancers Need to Consider

The days of working a 9 to 5 are slowly becoming a thing of the past, with more and more people opting to work from home, freelance or even start their own businesses or side gigs. A recent Gallup Poll showed that telecommuting has become a more popular option as well. In fact, “Thirty-seven percent of U.S. workers […]

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5 Ways to Handle Constructive Criticism at Work

5 Ways to Handle Constructive Criticism at Work

At times, we dread an unexpected meeting with a manager to discuss where we went wrong. Some of us worry about mistakes we have made, with the idea that it will result in a demotion. Or we may be thinking the dreaded “We have to let you go” talk is the reason for the meeting. […]

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