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4 Types of Tools All Sales Reps Should Take Advantage Of

Modern sales representatives face many challenges that their predecessors didn’t, which can be partially attributed to the sheer number of alternatives and distractions on the internet.

Whether a salesperson primarily works in digital environments or spends time with customers in a physical store, they need all the tools they can get to succeed in this competitive career. The following digital tools aren’t the only ones suitable for a sales-oriented workplace, but they are a good place to start for those new to digital solutions.

Email service extensions

Finding better ways to monitor, organize and manage email and contact information can be a real challenge in sales, especially when each representative works with hundreds of clients. Email extension tools, like Clearbit Connect, changes some of the functionality and structure of Gmail or other conventional message services. For example, Clearbit allows users to add extra details about their contacts so they can gather information at a glance.

Scheduling and event organization

Scheduling meetings with clients can be a logistical nightmare, especially when both parties have a busy schedule. Back and forth communications can take up a lot of time, creating a barrier that may discourage future business from the customer. Scheduling tools, like Calendly, let you to share a business calendar with customers through a link so they can set their own appointment time according to your availability, according to Inc.

Data tools

Sales reps working in healthcare and other technical industries face an even greater challenge managing the quality and flow of customer information. Healthcare is a highly-personalized service, which is why certain companies, like MedPro Systems, offer specialized tools for this kind of environment. Reps working in health service and other technical industries need access to precise and comprehensive data to achieve the best results in customer relations and marketing. HCP Data access for sales reps makes it much easier to manage customer databases and share them seamlessly with relevant parties throughout an organization.

Unification and integration

As businesses expand and adapt to digital work environments, some struggle to manage all of their software and digital tools effectively. For some companies, getting professional IT support through a contractor or managed service provider is the right call. Companies that rely on their digital utilities should also consider an integration and unification software service to tie everything together. These tools help connect various applications and software to improve efficiency, accuracy and reduce technical issues.

With advances in mobile and computer technology unfolding every year, it’s not always easy to keep up with the latest utilities at your disposal. While sales representatives often have the freedom to pursue their career at their own pace, these digital tools can provide a lot of value for a relatively minimal investment of time and resources.

Thinking of hiring a career coach to help you land a career in sales? Browse our directory of career coaches and get a FREE consultation or request a personalized coach recommendation!

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About the Author Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.