While you’re still in university, it’s likely that you’ll have to find a job to support yourself, as student loans are renowned for leaving students out of pocket at the end of each month. With bills to pay and social events to attend, what better way to earn money and gain experience in your chosen career path than finding a graduate job at your university or college?
Fortunately, there are a wealth of jobs available up and down the country, which are suitable for students like yourself!
The first place you’ll want to look is the university you are currently attending. The main reason for this is that they will hold you as a priority when searching for suitable candidates and are likely to be much more flexible when it comes to hours. Having a flexible schedule is especially important when it comes to exam and dissertation time.
Whether you’re based in the US, Canada or the UK, there are also a ton of graduate programs that exist for college and university students. These graduate programs act as a stepping stone between your college education and the full-time workforce, similar to apprenticeships and internships. By applying outside of your university, you can gain vital experience to help boost your CV when it comes to finding a full-time job after graduation.
Most companies that offer graduate programs are high-end, market-leading companies that are also on the looking out for the most talented young individuals to join their ranks. If you do well in any of these roles, chances are the company will offer you a job on the spot or a position depending on your grades at the end of your academic year.
Pamela D. West, admin manager at Best Australian Writers, says that, “Graduate programs are so important to university students across the world. As well as earning, you’re gaining valuable experiences in your chosen industry sections, and you’ll find you get a real taste of what life is like working in the field. This experience is the key to your success. As well as learning about you can put your skills into practice, you’ll also have the opportunities to ask your mentors questions and gain priceless insights into what life is like behind closed doors.â€
For UK graduates
There are a vast wealth of websites that are dedicated to graduate jobs that may interest you. As well as asking and seeking jobs through your universities graduate program, it’s highly recommended that you take the time to explore other options as well. You never know what opportunities may be waiting out there for you. Additionally, you can look for jobs online. One of the most comprehensive websites that list a vast range of graduate jobs with the ability to refine the search to your chosen industry is the Guardian website.
As you can see, all the jobs listed on the site are large scale, globally-operating industry leaders that would look fantastic on your CV once the program is up. There is also a range of permanent positions available.
For US graduates
The easiest and most comprehensive way of finding an administration job in the United States is through your university. Many will have dedicated website pages, such as the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota, that provides you with all the information you need to find, discover and secure your preferred graduate job role.
Finding the perfect graduate job may take time and a lot of patience. This could be a permanent role that you see yourself in for some time, so you want to make sure it’s right for you. With the right amount of care and attention, as well as seeking the advice from job seeking organizations and members of your university, you can be sure that you’ll find the perfect place for you.
Thinking of hiring a career coach to help you find the right career path after college? Browse our directory of career coaches and get a FREE consultation or request a personalized coach recommendation!
Jennifer is the business developer that works in different areas of education, technology, security and various types of online marketing. Prior to business developing Jennifer was consultant at Deloitte, and managed security services provider and developer of a wide range of security solutions.