It’s time for a career change, isn’t it?
We’ll help you get to your unique versin of Career Nirvana
For nearly a decade we’ve been helping people improve their lives by matching them with their ideal coach and the #1 reason that they reach out to us in the first place is their career. More specifically, they are stuck in a job that is unfulfilling, want to explore other career options, and want to find out what they are uniquely wired to do.
Imagine getting up every day excited about the work you’re doing. Imagine using your talents to their fullest potential and contributing to something bigger than yourself. Imagine getting paid to do what you love do to. Achieving that state of career happiness is what we call Career Nirvana. It’s a real place and our coaches have helped hundreds and thousands of people achieve their own unique version of Career Nirvana.
Subscribe to the Noomii Career Blog and we will send you weekly updates with amazing career advice provided by our expert career coaches. Your own Career Nirvana awaits! Start today by filling in the subscribe form below.
Stephan Wiedner is the Co-Founder and Head Coach of Stephan helps entrepreneurs and free thinkers forge their own unique career path. He can be found on Noomii and